About Us
Since 1958, the Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association, an organization of technology and engineering education professionals promoting the programs of technology and engineering education and their ideas, sponsors programs and activities for students and teachers, produces publications, and continues to advance work for the profession of technology and engineering education.
VTEEA is constantly working throughout the year offering first-class activities, leadership opportunities, educational workshops, and a powerful State Leadership Conference. It works on your behalf advocating the technology industry and the initiatives to develop a world-class knowledge of the future workforce and education needed in Virginia.
What are our goals as a member of the VTEEA?
Professional Leadership - at the state level, this is the only association that represents technology education which ensures that it stays the primary means for advancing technological literacy in schools
Program and Staff Development - the association supports professional development through workshops and the annual conference
Public Relations - the association is the strongest organizational advocate for technology education in the state and it does so by promoting its value for all learners to the general assembly and other legislators
Leadership Development -the association provides individuals the opportunity to assume and develop leadership roles in the profession
Members of the association have envisioned a citizenry which is technologically literate, where each person is prepared to function effectively in and contribute to a technological society and global economy.
Springing from this vision, the VTEEA assumes the mission to support teachers who teach about technology and give direction to the Virginia profession of technology and engineering education.
The Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association began as the Virginia Industrial Arts Association in 1958 when a group of educators sought to promote their profession and to provide a state-wide forum for their ideas. Today, VTEEA is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3), governed by a Board of Directors and represents more than one thousand Virginia educators. It sponsors regional programs for teachers, supports activities for the Technology Student Association, encourages the Technology Education Collegiate Association, provides a quarterly publication, conducts an annual staff development conference for teachers, and continues to advance work for the profession. The VTEEA also encompasses three councils: The Virginia Council on Technology Teacher Education (VCTTE), the Virginia Council on Technology Education Supervision (VCTES), and the Virginia Children's Engineering Council (VCEC).
VTEEA contains an overwhelming caliber of technology and engineering education programs, teachers, advisers, and students. Our main purpose is to increase the awareness of technology and engineering education and its affiliated organizations.